Christopher walken poker face reading

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Or Wacky Christopher Walken performing the full tilt poker face of Lady Gaga. This is the clip of oddball Christopher Walken reading Lady Gaga’s poker face. This is hilarious; if you haven’t seen it you need to. We have also added the Mash-up of Walken and Lady Gaga performing the song. Video of Christopher Walken performs Lady Gaga’s ...

In case you weren’t sure if British TV is better than American TV (as if The Office wasn’t already enough of an indication), the folks over at BBC 1 stumbled upon a video gold mine when Christopher Walken arrived as a guest on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross and out-Gaga’d Gaga. Christopher Walken - Poker Face - Joe.My.God. Christopher Walken – Poker Face. November 5, 2009 Uncategorized. Share. Lady Gaga’s “Poker Faceread by Christopher Walken =…

Christopher Walken Reads The Three Little Pigs, The Raven, and a Little Lady Gaga | Open Culture

... and a white tutu. (Excerpt) Read more at . ... an occult lifestyle. Lady Gaga Accused of Performing Satanic Ritual in Hotel Room Read more at .... Christopher Walken did a hilarious reading of one of the two Lady Gaga charting songs, 'Poker Face', which shows the vacuousness of the lyrics. Dramatic reading of Kraft macaroni and cheese ingredients enthralls ...

Oh, this is fun: Here’s Christopher Walken performing Lady Gaga‘s “Poker Face” Friday night on the BBC, which makes perfect sense. Dear God I hope this was an audition for him to appear in ...

Sunday, November 1, 2009. Christopher Walken Performs Lady Gaga's "Poker Face".We really enjoy that together. My wife has even gone before. I thought I'd give this blog a shot as I enjoy reading blogs myself.

Nov 12, 2009 ... ... wanna take a ride on your disco stick" (from "Lovegame")? Was it Christopher Walken doing a dramatic reading of the lyrics of "Poker Face"?

May 14, 2012 ... Lady Gaga's Poker Face read by Christopher Walken Friday Night with Jonathan Ross BBC One. TheProducersOfficial. Loading... Unsubscribe ...